dark inner thighs and buttocks treatment

dark inner thighs and buttocks treatment

 One of the most important problems that many women suffer from is the appearance of a tan between the thighs, which is something that happens to anyone and does not have to be a result of being overweight, even if it is one of the factors. Sometimes it occurs when the skin on the thigh produces a lot of melanin, which is a pigment that gives the skin its color, and this is called hyperpigmentation. This friction leads to the emergence of infections between the thighs that impede the movement of walking or running, and the feeling of pain and the resort to continuous scratching.

Natural solutions to treat tanning between the thighs

dark inner thighs and buttocks treatment

We collected these natural recipes for you to help you solve the problem of skin darkening in the thigh area, which can be considered one of the ways to treat darkening between the thighs: 

This is because it promotes skin regeneration, treats damaged skin cells, and We show in the following how to use aloe vera to lighten between the thighs: 

Aloe vera gel is extracted from the leaf. 

The gel is applied to the area between the thighs. 

Leave the gel for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with water. 

It is recommended to repeat the treatment once a day to get visible results.

Although aloe vera gel is considered a relatively safe substance, it is worth noting the need to stop using it in the event of an allergic reaction. Signs of allergy include the appearance of a rash or skin irritation.

Lemon, yogurt, and honey 

Lemon juice works as a natural skin-lightening ingredient, because it contains vitamin C, which stimulates the growth of new cells, removes dead skin cells, and We show the following how to use it: 


 Juice of half a lemon.

 One tablespoon of yogurt. 

Half a teaspoon of honey. 

How to prepare: 

Mix the ingredients together

The mixture is placed on the sensitive area and left for 10 minutes. 

The area is washed with water and then dried. 

It is recommended to moisturize the area with coconut oil or any suitable moisturizer. 

This is because lemon contributes to increased dryness of the skin.

Natural solutions to treat tanning between the thighs

Put a spoonful of sweet almond oil, olive oil, or an equal mixture of the two oils in a darkened place.

and massage it until the oil is completely absorbed, and repeat it two or three times a week. 

Rub the thighs with lemon slices for 10 minutes and leave it for 20 minutes to dry, then wash it. You can use this method 3 days a week.

 Mix lemon juice and yogurt to make a thick paste. 

Apply it gently to the inner thighs. Leave it for 20 minutes, then wash and dry the area well. 


Put some cucumber slices on the area between the thighs and gently massage it so that the skin can absorb the juice. Cucumber is a very good ingredient in lightening and moisturizing the skin.

 Mix turmeric with lemon juice and honey 

Rub it on that area and leave it for half an hour, then rinse it with lukewarm water and repeat weekly. 

Sugar scrub

Sugar is a good exfoliator for the skin, as the blackening of the area between the thighs may be caused by the accumulation of dead skin cells, so the use of exfoliants such as a sugar scrub contributes to getting rid of dead skin cells and lightening the color of the area. 


A spoonful of lemon juice. 

A spoonful of honey. 

A spoonful of sugar.

 How to prepare: 

Mix the ingredients together until the mixture is homogeneous. The mixture is placed on the area between the thighs and the area is gently rubbed. The area is washed with water and dried. It is noteworthy that a sugar scrub can be made by mixing an equal amount of sugar and coconut oil, then placing it on the area between the thighs and rubbing it gently, knowing that the sugar scrub can be used at a rate of 2-3 times a week.

Yogurt oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal can be used as a scrub, and it is considered more gentle on the skin compared to sugar. As for yogurt, it contains lactic acid, which improves the health of the skin in general, which makes using them together a good option to remove blackness in the area between the thighs.

 An equal amount of milk and oats are mixed to make a homogeneous mixture. The mixture is placed on the darkened area between the thighs and rubbed gently. The area is well-washed with water

Baking soda and water paste

Baking soda helps exfoliate and lighten the skin, but care must be taken to use it in a careful manner, as its effect may be strong on the skin, so its use in some cases may lead to skin irritation.And water to make a paste in a ratio of 1:3. The paste is applied to the area between the thighs and left until it dries.The area is washed with cold water. Baking soda and water can only be used twice a week, with the need to avoid using it for people with sensitive skin.


Potatoes are one of the oldest folk remedies used to lighten dark areas of the body, as they contain catecholase enzymes that may contribute to skin lightening. Cut a potato into slices. A potato is rubbed between the thighs for about 10 minutes. Wash the area well when you're done.

dark inner thighs and buttocks treatment

After knowing the methods of treating darkening between the thighs. you should also know that there are several possible causes for darkening between the thighs from the inside, most of which are benign, and the skin color changes once the cause is treated. 

But since some of the possible causes require treatment, you should speak to the doctor if you are not sure what could be the cause: Increased surface friction of the skin in this area, causes inflammation and redness and then turns into a darkening layer of the skin. 

Lack of ventilation in the body, sweating, and adhesion of the thighs, cause moisture to accumulate on the thighs and help their tanning. 

Bacterial or fungal inflammation or sensitivity to a type of cream or soap and its use on this part of the body. 

Wearing tight-fitting or nylon clothing that increases friction. 

An imbalance in hormones during pregnancy or weight gain leads to a change in the color of the thighs.

 How to prevent a darkening between the thighs. 

After knowing how to treat a darkening between the thighs, here are some preventive methods that help reduce the suffering from tanning in the first place. If you are prone to darkening between the thighs, there are a number of things you can do to prevent it, namely: 

Make sure to shower regularly, especially in hot weather. 

Wear long cotton pants that are not mixed with synthetic fibers, as cotton has a superior ability to absorb sweat

 The primary cause of this browning.

 Make sure to change your underwear once or twice, especially after any physical activity. 

During this period, stay away from using scented soaps to clean the area, and just choose a gentle cleanser for the body.

 Apply a moisturizing cream and then sprinkle baby powder on this area before you leave the house. 

This will soothe the skin of the area and avoid infection. 

Use medical creams to soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and treat tanning, such as Kenacomb.

 Use Vaseline to reduce friction between the thighs and soothe the skin. 

Spray cold water on the area if friction and redness occur. 

Avoid walking during times of high temperatures and humidity. 

Make sure to use body scrubs and creams; To get rid of dead skin cells.

 After we told you about natural ways to treat a darkening between the thighs, it is important to emphasize that prevention is always better than treatment. 

Paying attention to your personal hygiene avoids exposure to many skin and health problems. 

Therefore, you must follow the aforementioned tips to avoid the occurrence of this problem or limit its damage, and in the event that no symptoms appear. 

Skin improvement Please refer to a specialist dermatologist and consult him on the matter. 

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