boiled lemons for weight loss

boiled lemons for weight loss

Lemon is one of the citrus fruits that contains a high percentage of vitamin C, fiber, and other beneficial elements that provide tremendous benefits for the overall health of the body.

Are there benefits of boiled lemon?

Lemon is famous for containing vitamin C and its many benefits, so many people talk about drinking it with warm water on an empty stomach in the morning and throughout the day, but what many people do not know is that vitamin C is damaged by heat and loses its nutritional value, which means that There is no benefit in drinking boiled lemon, but to benefit from drinking lemon and get its benefits, you must drink lemon with lukewarm water, in order to benefit from vitamin C and the fiber that lemon contains.

Benefits of lemon water

You can prepare lemon water by squeezing a grain of lemon into half a liter of lukewarm water, and drinking it throughout the day. Drinking lemon water regularly will make you get these benefits:

Strengthening immunity:

Lemon water contains a rich percentage of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent respiratory and liver diseases.
Supplying the body with potassium: 

Lemon contains a high percentage ofpotassium, which maintains the health of the heart, brain, and nervous functions

Aiding digestion: 

Lemon water helps improve digestion, rid the digestive system of toxins, and treat some symptoms associated with indigestion, such as acidity, belching, and bloating.


Lemon helps eliminate toxins from the body and maintains liver health by enhancing the functions of liver enzymes.

Refreshing mouth odor: 

Lemon water helps treat toothache and gingivitis that cause bad breath, but we advise you to brush your teeth after drinking it, because citric acid may weaken tooth enamel.

Getting rid of skin blemishes:

 Lemon helps get rid of skin blemishes and signs of aging and reduces wrinkles. Vitamin C also helps produce collagen, which is the basic protein that makes up the skin.

Reducing weight: 

Lemon contains pectin fibers that help you feel full for a long time, which helps reduce weight.

Getting rid of kidney stones:

 Lemon is one of the most citrus fruits containing citric acid, which helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

The damage of drinking too much lemon water 

weakens the tooth enamel and increases its sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods. 

The feeling of acidity that causes pain and burning in the chest. 

Diuresis and a feeling of dehydration, and to avoid this, we recommend that you reduce the amount of lemon water that you drink.

boiled lemons for weight loss

Amazing benefits of lemon peel

Benefits for the skin: 

It contains a high percentage of vitamin C and ascorbic acid, in addition to antioxidants that help remove toxins from the body, which achieves many benefits for the skin, such as resisting grains, delaying signs of aging and overcoming wrinkles.

Weight loss: 

It contains antioxidants and a large number of nutrients such as pectin fibers that help fight obesity.

Strengthening bone health: 

It contains a high percentage of calcium, one of the main nutrients for strengthening bones.

Cancer resistance: 

It contains a number of components such as flavonoids that help reduce the risk of cancer.

Preventing heart disease:

 It helps prevent vascular diseases, diabetes, and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Because it contains a good percentage of potassium, it contributes to improving blood circulation.

Treating gallstones and improving digestion: 

It contains pectin, which helps treat constipation and poor digestion, and increases pancreatic secretions, which leads to improved digestion, and also helps to get rid of gallstones.

The permissible amount of lemon peel

Although lemon peel contains a number of useful nutrients, it must be consumed in moderation, to avoid the harm that may be caused by its frequent use. Your consumption of lemon juice should not exceed two lemons per day, and we also recommend avoiding it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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