Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with prevention.

 Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with prevention.

Rhinitis is a common condition for many people, and its causes and symptoms vary from one person to another. In this context, many may wonder whether treating nasal allergies permanently is possible and easy, and the scientific answer in short is: No, as it requires treatment for a long period sometimes, or for a lifetime.

It is true that nasal allergies cannot be completely treated, as we mentioned, but you can begin by resorting to some prevention methods, whether at home or within your normal daily routine. This is considered an initial step within treatment and avoiding allergies. Continue reading and discover in this article what are the ways to prevent nasal allergies, in addition to its causes and the most prominent symptoms that accompany it.

Causes of nasal allergy

Some people develop allergic rhinitis when they are exposed to foreign objects, and the immune system thinks that they threaten its safety, so it begins to take defensive measures to protect the body by producing antibodies known as immunoglobulin, and releasing a chemical called histamine. Histamine causes inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose, i.e. the sinuses, which makes the person feel itchy and red in the nose.

  Causes of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, which are foreign bodies present in the atmosphere that surrounds us:

Dirt particles in carpets, curtains, upholstery and furniture

Pet dander or fur



Saliva or droppings of some animals

Some types of food

High temperatures

High humidity

Polluted air

Some types of perfumes


Incense and smoke resulting from burning wood

cigarette smoke

Pollen in flowers in spring

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

An itchy feeling in the nose, eyes, or throat

Severe dry skin with blisters

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with prevention.


Difficulty smelling 

Runny nose


Eyes filled with tears


Ear blockage

Sore throat

Puffiness under the eyes and the appearance of dark circles

Feeling goosebumps

Feeling tired and exhausted

Sinus congestion and blockage


Ways to prevent allergic rhinitis

Avoid leaving the house unless absolutely necessary on days when meteorology warns of strong pollen-laden wind activity, specifically in the spring.

Shower after entering the house

Keep your home doors and windows tightly closed during storm days and allergy seasons

Use the air conditioner instead of opening windows to ventilate rooms

Make the medical mask that covers your nose and mouth your constant friend when exposed to the air, dealing with animals, or staying in places with weeds.

Clean carpets regularly

Clean the nose regularly in case of a runny nose using saline solution or quickly dissolving sachets

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

As we mentioned in the introduction to the article, treating allergic rhinitis permanently is not possible, but there are temporary or long-term treatments. Not only that, treatments may vary and increase depending on each case and its severity. Of course, medications are among the most prominent treatments for nasal allergies, but we will not delve into their details and of course will not enumerate them, as it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor who prescribes them according to the effectiveness of each one and according to the diagnosis of the person’s condition.

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