how to remove anxiety and stress

how to remove anxiety and stress

how to remove anxiety and stress

 You may suffer from stress, and your hands shake during a job interview or in other situations, which makes you feel shy, leads you to social isolation, and causes you physical and psychological illnesses. The causes of stress are many, but you can overcome them in simple ways. Learn more about this topic in the following lines

Causes of stress

These are the most prominent causes of stress for most individuals

External causes of stress: as a result of changes in work life or school, financial difficulties, problems with children and family, loss of work, or exposure to a traumatic event, such as disaster, rape, theft, or violence

Internal causes of stress: It occurs as a result of constant pessimism and negative talk or being influenced by society’s view of you

Adolescence stress: such as parental divorce, loss of a loved one, and physical changes

Stress in the elderly: such as illness, retirement, and death of a life partner.

Fear of the spotlight and fame: or speaking in front of a crowd of people

Positive events: such as marriage, buying a house, success, or receiving an offer

Suffering from an illness: such as a chronic illness or emotional problems

Factors that affect feelings of stress

After you learn about the causes of stress, there are some factors that may increase or decrease the level of stress, such as

Close people: When you have people you can rely on and trust, the stresses of life will not seem so great to you. On the other hand, the more alone you are, the greater your risk of stress

Self-confidence: The more confident you are in yourself and your ability to deal with the situation, the less likely you will be to feel more stressed and depressed

Your attitude and expectations: The way you look at life and its challenges makes a big difference in your ability to deal with stress. When you see things optimistically and positively, you will feel less stressed

Your ability to regulate your emotions: If you do not know how to calm yourself when you feel sad or angry, your exposure to stress and agitation will increase

Preparing for the situation: The more advanced knowledge you have about the occurrence of a stressful situation, the easier it will be for you to deal with it

Simple ways to relieve stress and anxiety

 These methods may really help you treat and relieve stress and anxiety

1. Doing exercise and yoga

Exercise and yoga are among the best methods used to combat and treat anxiety and stress, as they reduce the level of stress hormones in the body in the long term, such as cortisol, and also help in the release of endorphins that improve mood, prevent insomnia and act as a natural pain reliever

2. Omega-3 fatty acids

Several studies have reported that students who take omega-3 supplements have fewer symptoms of anxiety compared to others

3. Green tea

Green tea contains many polyphenol antioxidants, which give you many health benefits, including reducing the level of stress and anxiety by increasing serotonin levels

4. Scented scents

Several studies have shown that using refreshing oils and scents, such as orange essential oils and incense, may reduce your feelings of stress and anxiety

5. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. High doses of it increase anxiety in some people, and this varies from person to person

6. Chewing gum

Several studies have shown that people who chew gum have an increased sense of psychological well-being, as it enhances blood flow to the brain and thus contributes to the treatment of stress and anxiety

7. Spend time with friends and family

Social support from friends and family can help you get through difficult times and treat anxiety and stress

Studies show that spending time with friends and children helps release the hormone oxytocin, which is a natural pain reliever and stress.

8. Laughter

Laughter contributes to increasing the flow of oxygen to the body and organs and improving the immune system and mood, which in turn helps relax muscles, relieve anxiety, and fight the causes of stress

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