Foods that cause wrinkles

Foods that cause wrinkles

1- Sweets

In general, experts warn against foods rich in sugar, as they increase the chance of wrinkles and cellulite, that is, fatty clumps, appearing in certain areas of the body.

2- Canned juices

Soft drinks and canned juices have great harm to the body, and a cup of fruit juice is one of the constant drinks on many people’s breakfast tables, many believe that it is healthy, but it is important to know that each liter of juice contains about 100 grams of sugar and therefore juices Not only does it increase calories, but it contributes to the destruction of cells and the appearance of signs of disability. Soft drinks are also one of the skin's worst enemies, as their high acidity causes the skin to lose its vitality and leave it with a pale appearance.

3- Coffee

A cup of coffee is also a constant on the breakfast table and throughout the day. Although coffee is a famous stimulant, it is a diuretic and makes the body lose a greater percentage of fluids. Therefore, whoever drinks a lot of coffee loses a large percentage of fluids over time, which makes the skin’s moisture decrease and causes Wrinkles to appear early.

4- Ready meals

Ready-made meals generally contain a large percentage of salt, and excess salt in the body causes damage to cells. Pizza is among the processed foods that most cause signs of aging. The danger of eating too much pizza is that it contains a large percentage of what are known as harmful trans fats, in addition to salt.

5- Salt

It is one of the worst nutritional ingredients for the skin because it absorbs water and causes tissue dryness, which accelerates the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, experts advise reducing its consumption as much as possible.

6- Corn

Corn grains and foods extracted from them are characterized by increasing blood sugar levels, which accelerates cell oxidation and leads to the appearance of early wrinkles.

7- Wheat

Whole wheat grains cause an increase in blood sugar, which enhances the oxidation mechanism that affects cells and accelerates their aging. This leads to wrinkles appearing prematurely.

8- Cheese

Cheese is one of the widely consumed foods, but it is not beneficial for the body in general and the skin in particular due to its richness in saturated fatty acids that accelerate cell aging.

9- Processed meat

These meats contain high levels of fat and salt and therefore cause tissue damage and cell oxidation. It is recommended to consume it in small quantities from time to time.

10- Vegetable oils

During their manufacture, ingredients are added to vegetable oils that make them harmful to the skin. It hinders cell regeneration, which accelerates the skin aging mechanism. Palm oil is specifically included in the composition of some foods, including biscuits and spreadable chocolate. This oil clogs the arteries and leaves behind a pale and tired complexion.

Causes of wrinkles

the age. As you age, your skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries out your skin and makes it appear more wrinkled. Fat is reduced in the deeper layers of your skin. This causes loose, sagging skin and more visible lines and cracks.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays, which accelerate the natural aging process, are the main cause of premature wrinkles. Exposure to UV light breaks down your skin's connective tissues, collagen, and elastin fibers, which are located in the deep layer of the skinWithout the supportive connective tissue, your skin loses strength and elasticity. Then the skin begins to sag and wrinkles appear prematurely.

Smoking. Smoking can speed up the natural aging process of your skin; Which contributes to wrinkles. This may be due to the effect of smoking on collagen.

Repetitive facial expressions. Facial movements and expressions, such as squinting or smiling, lead to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Every time you use a facial muscle, cracks form beneath the surface of the skin. As the skin ages, it loses its elasticity and is no longer able to return to its place. These cracks then become permanent marks on your face.

Wrong habits cause wrinkles

In addition to eating certain foods that may cause wrinkles, there are also many daily habits that cause facial wrinkles to appear, as follows:

Not using sunscreen

Not cleansing the skin before bed

Not changing bed covers and pillows regularly

Sleeping on your face

Getting insufficient hours of sleep

Apply a thick layer of cosmetics

An unhealthy diet

Excessive showering with hot water, as hot water removes the layer of oils that protect the skin, causing it to become dry and irritated

Excessive coffee consumption

Excessive eating of sweets

Excessive smoking

Not drinking enough water

Avoid using the phone for a long time to prevent wrinkles

Repetitive facial movements such as squinting, frowning, and laughing lead to the formation of the first stages of war

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