Do teeth change as we age?

Do teeth change as we age?

As you age, many of the details of your smile change, not only your teeth but also the skin around your mouth. So you will see how your smile changes over time in the following lines.

Arrangement and arrangement of the teeth

Do teeth change as we age

 What about the whole smile?

As you age, in addition to collagen, your mouth area also loses volume, which causes it to move inward and change shape, becoming crowded: if your teeth are lined up a certain way, over time the space between the teeth may change, the nose and chin change, and the teeth become smaller. a result? Your smile looks younger as you age. That's not all, when your cheeks droop, your lower teeth become more visible. Your entire mouth changes shape, which can also have a big impact on the shape of your smile.

Your teeth can also change color

Tooth enamel changes with age, causing the enamel to appear white. In addition, they become thinner, giving the surface of the teeth an ivory-yellow tint that changes the color of the teeth and affects the shape of the smile. In addition, stains from drinking too much coffee, smoking, or other foods over a long period of time can also cause your teeth to turn yellow. From here, you will notice that this affects the shape of your smile, as its color changes significantly.

Dry mouth can affect your smile due to...

As you age, the amount of saliva produced by your salivary glands becomes limited, and medications you take can also affect dry mouth. As a result, dry teeth have many side effects, such as cavities and the possibility of teeth losing their shape more quickly.

Gum recession...why?

Over time and with age, the gums lose their usual thickness and the duration of chewing food becomes shorter over the course of a lifetime, causing the gums to recede. When this happens, tooth roots become more visible and often appear dark in color. All this can lead to many things, as teeth appear with age and change color. Therefore, some dentists recommend adopting a healthy dental care routine early in life to avoid receding gums as much as possible.

Collagen loss

Aging means: loss of collagen, which means the appearance of wrinkles and sagging facial skin... We all know this, and it also happens in the area of the mouth and teeth. As a result, this leads to sagging of the lips and cheeks, which affects the shape of the mouth and smile.

How to avoid the effects of aging on your mouth and teeth

With Lifelong Care, you can avoid the effects of aging on your smile and teeth. Here are some tips:

Visit your dentist regularly: Visit your dentist regularly to ensure that your teeth are healthy and clean and to avoid potential problems that develop over time, as they can greatly affect your mouth and teeth.

Dental cleaning: Brush your teeth frequently, at least twice a day, to avoid yellowing of the teeth and the formation of pigmentation and stains.

Eliminate oral and dental habits that affect your teeth: Talk to your dentist about how to eliminate harmful dental habits, such as mouth breathing, that can affect the alignment of your teeth.

Avoid too many foods and habits that cause pigmentation: Try to avoid foods and habits that cause yellowing and pigmentation of the teeth, such as excessive consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol, or smoking, or eating acidic foods or fruits and vegetables of different colors.

Apply sunscreen: Don't forget to apply sunscreen to the area around your mouth to prevent burns and wrinkles.

Use Collagen: Use Collagen Cream on the area around your mouth to reduce volume! from the appearance of wrinkles.

Drink plenty of water during the day: Try to drink plenty of water during the day to avoid dehydration, which can have an effect on your teeth as you age.

Chewing sugar-free gum: to enhance saliva production and reduce the side effects of dry mouth.

Eat foods that increase collagen: There are foods that increase collagen levels in the body that you can eat regularly.

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Treats wrinkles and sagging around the mouth

If wrinkles and sagging begin to appear around your mouth, you can try to reduce or treat them by:

1- Hyaluronic acid injection

Hyaluronic acid fillers attract more moisture and help plump skin naturally. From here, fillers can be injected into the lips and around the mouth, which helps to tighten sagging tissues and make them look young again. The benefits of these injections include stimulating collagen production and reducing the appearance of fine lines. One injection can make skin look plump and smooth for months. In addition, this process takes about 15 to 30 minutes.

Do teeth change as we age

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