Aloe vera for perfect skin and attractive hair

Aloe vera for perfect skin and attractive hair

Aloe vera for perfect skin and attractive hair

 Meet the perfect complexion

Normal skin is ideal and healthy, as it is balanced in sebum secretion and hydration, as it is neither greasy nor dry, but is in the middle between them.

Aloe vera for perfect skin and attractive hair

Does aloe vera help skin and hair?

A skin mask to get rid of impurities and fats and remove pimples. Two leaves are extracted from the aloe vera plant and half a cup of milk is added to them. Leave for an hour in the fridge before adding a few drops of wheat germ oil. The mixture is applied to the face and left to dry, then rinsed with water to leave the skin smooth and clear.

Cosmetology indicates that aloe vera extract is a "gel" that can be used in many cases, such as:

A lotion made from aloe vera leaf extract to be applied to the skin before going to the pool, the sea, or exposure to the sun.

It is used as an ointment to help heal wounds and remove the effects of scars, eczema, psoriasis, and an effective treatment against skin pigmentation.

Can aloe vera make skin flawless?

Squeeze 3 of its leaves and put it on low heat with a cup of water and a few drops of “rose water” until the mixture begins to boil and turns into a viscous liquid, with which hair is washed after shampoo instead of conditioner.

Continuous use of aloe vera extract rids the body of harmful and toxic substances and restores the vital balance of its aesthetic rhythm.

The best skin types are fresh, clear, and shiny, with a moderate degree of moisture

Pores are small and almost invisible

It has a uniform color

Free from blemishes such as pimples, blackheads, acne, and skin infections

It is not sensitive to allergies, and often different types of lotions are suitable for it.

Although ideal, care must be taken as it tends to dry out with age, causing dark spots around the mouth, dark circles, and premature wrinkles.

Make sure to remove makeup before going to sleep

- Face wash: from one to two times a day as needed, and washing should be in a circular motion for one to two minutes to stimulate blood circulation and get rid of excess fat and impurities, then wash with warm water only. Hot water should be avoided as it dehydrates the skin. Preferably, the lotion should be sulfate-free. or sulfates, then use a soft towel to pat dry the face.

Toner: It is preferable to use it in the morning after use

Lotion to remove the remaining sediment from the skin, while avoiding using it around the eyes to avoid irritation. It is preferable that the toner be alcohol-free.

Benefits: of  Aloe vera for perfect skin and attractive hair

1- It narrows the pores 

 2- Preparing the skin to apply the moisturizing cream

Moisturizing cream: It must contain a sunscreen with a protection factor of more than 30. Apply an amount of bean size, then gently massage your face with your fingertips.

1- It protects the skin from drying out

Use of sunscreen:

1- Protects the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays

2- Protects the skin from wrinkles

Facial Scrub: The scrub can be used once to twice a week to get rid of dead cells, as well as to allow the pores and skin to breathe.

Face mask: in the case of normal skin, twice to three times a week

Ensure proper healthy nutrition and drink plenty of fluids and water

Exercising on a regular basis helps in increasing blood pressure naturally, thus delivering nutrients to the cells more efficiently for the skin

Aloe vera helps in treating wrinkles, acne, facial and skin pigmentation, cellulite treatment, and stretch marks in the body so it stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin and thus leads to skin tightening and renewal It can be used For all skin problems in the entire body, and it can also be used to treat hair loss

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